Surgical smoke evacuation system
Effective protection against surgical smoke in the operating theatre
Surgical smoke – the hidden danger
Surgical smoke is dangerous for the health of medical staff working in surgical environments.
Smoke is generated during laser and electrosurgical procedures. Not only does this smoke have an unpleasant smell for the health care staff and create visibility problems at the site of the surgery, it also represents a potential health hazard due to particles and microbes in the air.
Surgical smoke is a complex mixture of biological, cellular, particulate and gaseous/vaporous components. It is the smoke components containing harmful particles and viruses that are dangerous. Depending on the level of exposure, surgical smoke can cause symptoms such as headaches, nausea and irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract.
Carcinogenic substances
Blood components/plasma
Facts about surgical smoke*
Surgical smoke contains
150 different chemicals
40 of these are carcinogenic
The amount of smoke created in a single day in an operating theatre is equivalent to smoking:
unfiltered cigarettes
SHE SHA filters surgical smoke with an
efficiency of 99,999% ....
surgical smoke filtration
*Sources: (Image on the left) Andreasson S, Mahteme H, Sahlberg B, Anundi H. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Electrocautery Smoke during Peritonectomy Procedures. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. 2012: 1-6.(Image in the middle) Hill DS, O‘Neill JK, Powell RJ, Oliver DW. Surgical smoke – a health hazard in the operating theatre: a study to quantify exposure and a survey of the use of smoke extractor systems in UK plastic surgery units. Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS. 2012 Jul;65(7):911-6. PubMed PMID: 22445358.
Known acute symptoms
Muscle weakness
Irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract
Triggering of reactions in asthmatics
Potential risks
In 80% of the smoke samples taken during the treatment of HPV positive patients, the HPV virus was detected in the smoke (1).
Increased risk of chronic pulmonary disease (asthma and pneumonia) and lung cancer (2)
*Sources: (1)Sood AK, Bahrani-Mostafavi Z, Stoerker J, Stone IK. Human papillomavirus DNA in LEEP plume. Infectious diseases in obstetrics and gynecology. 1994; 2: 167-70. (2)Ball K. Compliance with surgical smoke evacuation guidelines: implications for practice. Aorn j. 2010; 92: 142-9
SHE SHA surgical smoke evacuation system
A healthy and safe working environment thanks to clean air in the operating theatre
Surgical smoke, aerosols and harmful gases are effectively extracted and filtered right at their source. This significantly reduces health risks for users and health care staff. SHE SHA also satisfies the recommendations of SAGES, EAES and AORN (3) for protection against COVID-19.
*(3) SAGES: Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons. EAES: European Association
for Endoscopic Surgery and other Interventional Techniques. AORN: Association of perioperative Registered Nurses.
Effective protection-
simple handling
Automatic activation
via a sensor on monopolar handpieces
Quiet yet powerful
55 dBA max. (sound level of a normal conversation)
Simple handling
Automatic filter detection with plug & play capability
Foot switch for manual activation
1 of 63 power levels available at the push of a button
2 of 6Filter status indication
3 of 63-port filter with protection cover to prevent accidental touching
4 of 6 The hose, handle and electrode are ready to use straight away and have an internal cable. 5 of 6 The electrode handle with SHE SHA hose can be adjusted in terms of length and is rotatable through 360°. 6 of 6SHE SHA – ready to tackle smoke at its source!
Find out more about surgical smoke and the guidelines and regulations that apply, and learn what you can do to keep your operating theatre smoke-free.
A face mask alone is not enough
"If I can smell it then it is already in my lungs!"
When it comes to surgical smoke, medical face masks give a false sense of security. This is because a standard surgical mask does not offer sufficient protection against the particles and microbes in the smoke. The only effective way to protect against surgical smoke is to extract it directly at the source and filter it with a surgical smoke evacuation system.
Face mask
4-stage SHE SHA filter
The mobile BOWA SHE SHA evacuation system offers a safe and efficient solution for removing surgical smoke and harmful particles from the site of the surgical procedure.
The 4-stage filter with an activation time of up to 35 hours, delivers effective protection against surgical smoke and aerosols. Surgical smoke is extracted and filtered directly at the source..
The SHE SHA smoke evacuation system is compatible with all electrosurgical instruments. If our monopolar single-use smoke handles are used then the suction process is triggered automatically via the supplied sensor. The length of time for which smoke extraction continues after the end of the activation can be adjusted to suit the particular requirements in the operating theatre.
BOWA surgical smoke handles – universally compatible
BOWA MEDICAL single-use smoke handles are the perfect addition to the SHE SHA surgical smoke evacuation system. They come in a range of different designs. The universally compatible single-use electrode handles are supplied ready for use with electrodes and can be used with all smoke extraction systems that have a standard 10 mm or 22 mm connection.
The universal, sterile single-use handles with 3-pin connections have an internal cable. They can be used with all smoke evacuation systems that have a standard 10 mm or 22 mm connection. The electrode handle with SHE SHA hose can be adjusted in terms of length and is rotatable through 360°.
The hose, handle and electrode are ready for use straight away and come with an internal cable. The sterile single-use handles for smoke evacuation are supplied ready for use with an electrode. Thanks to the 3-pin connection technology, the BOWA SHE SHA smoke handles can be used with all smoke extraction systems that have a standard 10 mm or 22 mm connection.
SHE SHA surgical smoke evacuation system and accessories
SHE SHA surgical smoke evacuation system
Universal smoke management during surgical procedures
Needle electrode, shaft diameter 2.4 mm
Fine-point coagulation with integrated suction
SHE SHA single-use filter
4-stage single-use filter with extra long filter service life
Innovative smoke extraction in the operating theatre
for laparoscopic surgical procedures
ULTRAVISION™ Generator – the basic equipment for smoke-free low-pressure laparoscopy
ULTRAVISION™ is used for safe and reliable removal of smoke generated during laparoscopic surgery by monopolar, bipolar and ultrasonic instruments.
The innovative ULTRAVISION™ system ionises the smoke particles in the laparoscopic pneumoperitoneum, which then adhere directly to the operative site as the patient provides the opposite pole to the ULTRAVISION™ probe via the neutral electrode. This makes it possible to work with clear visibility and no interruptions.
Smoke management without active extraction or additional ventilation limits the CO2 exposure of the patient and keeps the pneumoperitoneum stable. ULTRAVISION™ prevents the release of surgical smoke and significantly reduces health risks for medical professionals in the operating theatre.